Thursday, December 19, 2013

Want to color these mandalas?

1. Follow the link

2. Select the mandala that you'd like to color

3. Right-click and save image on to computer
(You can skip this step and print directly
off of your browser.)

4. Print the mandala and enjoy!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mandala (by boyfriend) !

Colored Pencil: 12.18.2013 no.1 - Jesse Rajca

Mandala no.8 !

Colored Pencil: 12.18.2013 no.8

Mandala no.7 !

Colored Pencil: 12.18.2013 no. 7

Why mandalas?

"I awaken to the power of the mandala,
A sacred circle of light and energy;
A pathway to center - to my center and to the universal All,
A channel for healing body, mind and spirit."
-Steven Vrancken
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Mandala no.6 !

Colored Pencil: 12.17.2013

Mandala no.5 !

Colored Pencil: 12.17.2013

Mandala no.4 !

Colored Pencil: 12.16.2013

Mandala no.3 !

Colored Pencil: 12.16.2013

Mandala no.2 !

Colored Pencil: 12.14.2013